What is the weight-inclusive or Health at Every Size® (HAES) approach?

The HAES® approach, created by the Association for Size Diversity and Health, is a holistic, weight- and size-inclusive approach to health promotion that can be adapted to meet an individual’s unique needs. It is an alternative to the weight-centered approach that is conventional in our healthcare system and that pathologizes (makes “unhealthy”) certain body sizes and prescribes weight loss as a “cure all” intervention. I align myself with this approach because I believe health improvement is achievable through adopting health-promoting behaviors. When we make weight loss the primary focus of health improvement, we may be missing out on other avenues for healthy living that are accessible, meaningful, and even enjoyable. It is possible to improve health and well-being without losing weight or attempting to lose weight. For most, sustainable weight loss maintenance is not feasible, and the repeated attempts at maintaining a lower weight cause physical and psychological harm. Read more here.

What is trauma-informed care?

Trauma-informed care considers the role that the nervous system plays in how we engage with health-promoting behavior changes and self-care. Trauma is typically defined as the physiological and psychological response to a deeply distressing or threatening event or series of events that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope and causes feelings of helplessness. In response to the threat, trauma responses are developed in an attempt to seek safety and can result in lasting changes to the way a person engages with themself, others, and the world around them. As an example, we might think of the child who is consistently bullied at school who then comes home and seeks comfort and safety in eating sweets alone in her bedroom, creating a “safe escape” she can turn to when stress or emotions overwhelm her throughout her life.

A clinician who practices trauma-informed care:

  • Prioritizes creating a trusting therapeutic relationship by listening, validating, not judging

  • Facilitates acceptance and understanding by getting to know a client’s story, and exploring the “why” behind distressing behaviors

  • Consistently seeks opportunities to cultivate the client’s sense of autonomy within the realm of taking care of themselves

Who do you work with?

I work with adults ages 18 & up. I work with all genders.

I am licensed in Georgia and Pennsylvania, and am physically located in Philadelphia. I can provide tele-nutrition therapy to anyone living in GA and PA, no matter what part. If you live in a different state, I may still be able to work with you, as licensing rules for dietitians vary by state. Reach out and we can discuss!

What about insurance and payment?

I am currently not in network with any insurance providers, and all fees are due at the time of service (please see Work With Me page for fee information). I accept all major credit cards, in addition to PayPal and Venmo. I can also accept funds in an HSA or FSA account.

Many insurance companies will reimburse for nutrition counseling with an out-of-network registered dietitian, so upon request, I can provide you with a superbill for submission for reimbursement. If you would like a superbill, I will need a referral from a medical/mental health provider (physician, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner, licensed psychotherapist) that includes a nutrition-related medical or behavioral health diagnosis. Click here for a copy of my referral form. I also recommend calling your insurance company and asking the following questions:

  1. Does my plan cover out-of-network nutrition counseling with a registered dietitian?

  2. If so, are these codes covered? 97802, 97803 (ask about 97804 if inquiring about group counseling)

  3. What diagnosis codes are covered? Or you can ask the insurance representitive if your particular diagnosis is covered.

Do you have sliding scale options?

I have a limited number of sliding scale opportunities available. These are reduced fee slots based on clients’ ability to pay per their current financial situation. Please contact me for more information.

What is your cancelation/”No-show” Policy?

If your appointment is canceled within 24 hours of the start time, or if you miss your scheduled appointment without notice (“no-show”), the full fee of the appointment will be charged. Exceptions are made in the case of an emergency.